poniedziałek, 26 sierpnia 2013

Georgia in/out of focus

photos: A. Pańczuk
Tbilisi is a destination sourrounded by an atmosphere of anticipation. Georgia has became a place to live for Justyna Mielnikiewicz, a Sputnik Photos member so it was just a matter of time when we are to have a project there. So here it is - together with Center of Contemporary Art – Tbilisi and Ilkin Huseynov we (Adam Pańczuk and Rafał Milach) are to conduct workshop September 18-20th for emerging photographers and journalists! Georgia, be prepared!

Armenia on the edge (of Autumn)

photos: A.Liankevich

Sputnik Photos together with PanARMENIAN Photo announce the workshop in Armenia! The emerging photographers and journalists from Yerevan will have a chance to meet photojournalists from Sputnik Photos - Andrei Liankevich, Jan Brykczyński and Michał Łuczak and for two days work together - both during lectures and field work.
September 28-29th, Yerevan.
See you there!