poniedziałek, 8 kwietnia 2013

Workhops in Chisinau

fot. Agnieszka Rayss
Documentary Photography Workshops  for emerging moldovan photographers and photojournalists will be held in April 12-14 in Chisinau.
Workshop will be held in the framework of "Speaking in a loud voice" project. It aims to conduct workshops for emerging photographers and journalists from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova, which will contribute to a collective work by photographers and civil society activists.Workshop will deal with such topics as: What is a contemporary documentary photography and how photographers from other countries work within this genre, and how to work on a long term project, how to look for funding, and how to combine photos and  text, how to work together with a journalist or a writer, how to work on group projects.Maximum number of participants 15. Those wishing to participate should send A portfolio (8 photos in low resolution), a little information about yourself and also write down why you want to participate in this workshop. Complete information about yourself to send until March 29 to the address tfiodorova@gmail.com.
Selected participants will be informed by e-mail after 5 April.
fot. Andrej Balco

The project is designed by a team of photographers "Sputnik Photos" from Central and Eastern Europe. Within the workshop in Chisinau members of this collective  will talk about their activities: Agnieszka Rayss, Andrej Balco and a journalist Agnieszka Wójcińska. http://www.sputnikphotos.com
Project partners: ARMENIA: PanARMENIAN Network NGO, CZECH REPUBLIC: People in Need, GEORGIA: Center of Contemporary Art - Tbilisi, HUNGARY: Studio of Young Photographers, MOLDOVA: MediArt Dialog, MOLDOVA: ART PLATFORMA, SLOVAKIA: Open Society Foundation.
Project supported by the Visegrad Fund
Project partners in Chisinau:
MOLDOVA: MediArt Dialog
Mediart Dialog facilitation in strengthening of capacities of traditional mass media, development of digital technologies and network communications in promotion of classical and modern arts, assisting in creation of common platform in presenting, popularization, dissemination, propaganda of cultural issues.

ART PLATFORMA is an NGO promoting and strengthening cultural resources in Moldova through lounching and developing a unique cultural space that would cover different aspects of art and culture, such as literature, photography, visual arts, cinema, music. Our aim is to support and promote cultural diversity, especially bringing social aspect into artistic life of Moldova.

Project Coordinator in Moldova Tatiana Fiodorova. To contact us at this address: tfiodorova@gmail.com

1 komentarz:

  1. great initiative. since not every one interested would be able to attend, it would be great to share here on the site some of the issues covered during the workshop. i would follow. best!
